Between a Rock and a Riverbank - View

Between a Rock and a Riverbank is a digital story chronicling the adventure that ensues when the freedom of summertime weekends, long Alaskan evening sunshine, the trusty beat up riverboat, and youthful adventure all collide. Finding the right story has been a task in itself. I wanted one that was entertaining but both in an educational and amusing way. Something that would appeal to those of all ages and yet have a level of significance.

The hardest part of finding a story was that I was trying to think of something that was educational. Most of my stories have some sort of amusing catastrophe tied into them and all seem to take place outside and involve some sort of gross miscalculation, whether it be not enough fuel to reach the destination or even worse, to not get back, natural events beyond the control of man, or just not fully thinking through what could possibly and probably would occur. Coming to the conclusion that all had some sort of learning curve was a big help in narrow down the search so I settled on a story of epic proportions, at least in the eyes of a couple of teenagers. This story has been told around many riverside campfires and equally as many family and friend dinners at my home.

I found that my story fit the mapping sequence well and used this story map to provide the framework for its telling and ultimately to bring it all together.

Nature seems to have a way of taking the well prepared and somewhat well planned out adventure and turning into an even greater adventure. No matter what we do there are always unforeseen event that can and will take place so it really pay to be well equipped and ready for anything. Never leave home without the essentials: T.P., knife, bailing wire, super glue, and Duct Tape.

Rubric for assessing a Digital Story.

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