Alaska HIstory Course: A Review

Alaska History Course. A great website focused entirely on the Alaska Studies curriculum. One of the things I appreciate most abut this site is the timeline of history in Alaska and the comparison of those important dates with the major events in our nation’s history as well as a full world comparison. Within this site there is a great abudance of fantastic links to many more resources concerning the goings on of the past and present in AK. One of the things I really like is the ease of use and navigation throughout the many pages and links making searching for information seamless and smooth.

PBS Teachers!: A Review

PBS Teachers. A fantastic site that is full of great ideas for lesson plans as well as being a wealth of information concerning continuing professional development, discussion groups, and news that concerns anyone who is a teacher or deals with kids in the school systems. Within each grade category the different disciplines are divided into: The Arts, Heath and Fitness, Math, Reading and Language Arts, Science and Technology, and Social Studies making this a very easy site to navigate and find information.

Bright Hub!: A Review

A site devoted to the simplistic but oh so important goal of sharing knowledge. While the main focus of Bright Hub shines its light on technology and how a simple idea transforms itself into something that can be used by multitudes and the questions that inevitably follow, it also lends itself well to the educator looking to expand ones own resource base. Within the “hub” there are what I will call “mini hubs” that cover many other disciplines; Arts, EDUCATION, Engineering, Environment, Mobile, Parenting, and Society to name a few. This website is a great tool and I definitely recommend taking a look.